There are areas in every application which can prove to be huge bunker busters if not handled in advance. Teams are even aware of there existence but still choose to handle them “when they come”. One such area is “Application Security” and I have heard about (and experienced) this quite a lot so I think it makes a good, simple example.
Let’s go back to the way we write stories. The story aims at stating a particular requirement in the form of an action, which a particular role wants to perform to achieve a specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-bound goal. The generally accepted form of such a story is a single sentence as follows:
As a <role>
I would like to <action>
So that <immediate goal>
A Grenade in this form would look like:
As an administrator,
I would like to add a new book to the library,
So that the book can be borrowed by the borrowers.
Now this is a good story because it can be easily implemented to achieve the following:
- A form which only the administrator can access [role]
- Logic to validate & persist the information entered into the form [action]
- tests to check if the book can be borrowed by the borrowers (which is another role BTW). [goal]
Leveraging all clauses of the story in this way (and firstly writing stories in this way) can go a long way in favour of the project.
The same story would become a Shell, like this:
As an administrator,
I would like to restrict other borrowers from adding a new book to the library,
So that I can control the books added the library.
(this will be played in addition to the first story, because we decided to do security later)
Sounds worse, does it?? But it can get even worse like this:
As an administrator,
I would like to restrict borrowers from adding new books to the library, editing book information, deleting books from the library, viewing x,y and z reports and configuring x, y and z,
So that I have full control of the admin functionality of the application.
(this story will be played after the stories for all the above functionality have been played…)
This is a bunker buster; and the worse part is that this could be avoided.
(Note: the second and third stories aim at delivering the same functionality, although the reader might think that these are stories will let the administrator “configure” access restriction to the mentioned parts of the application.)