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Where do you spend most of your time?

Not all work is the same and as a leader, allocating time to the right kind of work is essential. Time and again I’ve used the war-peace-prosperity model while thinking through this in the context of organization design. Please note that I’m using the term leader in the sense of a person that holds authority and accountability of some part of the business (rather than the more widely applicable idea of “leadership”). War War-like circumstances are chaotic. They need urgent and decisive action. You can think of war in both the active sense and the passive sense. In the passive… Read More »Where do you spend most of your time?

Digital Transformation : Understanding Organization Culture

In the last post, we discussed how culture is an important element of successful digital transformations. This means that we should stop looking at culture as a byproduct and instead start making it part of our digital transformation strategy. There are a few frameworks that I have found useful in thinking about org culture but like the blind men trying to describe the elephant, these frameworks are individually limited. It is by using them together that we might be able to get somewhere. So that’s my attempt over the next few posts. All models are wrong; some models are useful.… Read More »Digital Transformation : Understanding Organization Culture

Digital Transformation : The importance of Organisational Culture

The In-sourcing Trend One of the big changes that we are seeing in the market today is the change in the relationship between business and technology. From being a separate organization that was mostly treated as a cost center, technology has gradually moved to the core of running a successful business. I have heard business leaders routinely make statements like “I don’t want to see the sausage factory” meaning that they didn’t want to understand how tech got things done as long as things got done. Most businesses are realizing that such an attitude towards technology is not helpful in… Read More »Digital Transformation : The importance of Organisational Culture